Vanity Fairのインスタグラム(vanityfair) - 9月7日 09時51分

Immediately after 'Darkest Hour'’s Telluride premiere Gary Oldman rocketed to the top of Oscars’ best-actor race for his performance as Winston Churchill during World War II. The naturally slender Oldman spent four hours a day in a makeup chair and wore prosthetics equal to half his body weight to play the garrulous and heavy-set British prime minister in Joe Wright’s film. Oldman, who was nominated for an Oscar his 2011’s 'Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy,' came to the Churchill role reluctantly, believing he was unsuited for it physically. “I just needed to tell him he was the only man for the job, that he could do it,” Wright said of Oldman. “And I knew he could, cause he’s a genius.” At the link in bio, get a glimpse into the exclusive movie mecca that is #Telluride. ?: @justbish #PostcardsFromTelluride


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