Kat Von Dのインスタグラム(thekatvond) - 9月6日 01時41分

To all my #vegan friends: I'm just about finished reading this book, and man! there is so much useful insight on how to best communicate the animal rights message. In my own humble opinion, I think there are a lot of well-intentioned vegans out there who, without knowing it, end up pushing people away from the cause, simply by how they communicate. I remember back when I was NOT a vegan, and how turned off I'd get by the overbearing vegan - even though I'm sure a part of what they were preaching made some sense to me. This book is really helping me understand how much more effective I could be if I took some of these ideas into consideration. Anyway, today, I'm sending EXTRA LOVE to all my #vegan animal rights activist friends as well as all of my non-vegan friends who may be considering the change. ?


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