トーマス・サドスキーのインスタグラム(thomas_sadoski) - 9月1日 23時36分

Denied citizenship, marginalized, forced to live in squalid camps, denied the ability to work, routinely abused, displaced, raped and killed, the Rohingya people in Myanmar are victims of a genocide that the world is ignoring.
Human Rights Watch Australia director Elaine Pearson told News AU, “there is no national security imperative or rationale that could justify the horrendous abuses that HRW has documented.” As a global community we swore "never again" after Srebrenica. After Rwanda we promised we would pay attention and act before anything like that could happen again.

It is happening again. I'm begging you to please read up, educate yourself on the ethnic cleansing taking place in Myanmar. The time for our global community to act is now. We stand on the razor's edge between action and regret. Inaction leads to genocide. Ignorance is no longer an excuse.

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