ジョージア・コウソウロウのインスタグラム(georgiakousoulou) - 8月29日 06時47分

Take note ?
Seen this quote & thought I would share as this message is so true & powerful .. so the full picture of me & Tommys towie shoot picture got put up on Towie's insta .. the first thing people asked was if I was pregnant or if I put on weight ..I jumped straight on the Defence & stated it was the wrong angle & the photographer was sitting down ... plus i had just eaten ... than I realised why the f**k do I need to justify myself to these negative comments .. but anyway I can handle the comments (sometimes) but what are we teaching the young girls growing up on social media ?!' I don't care what you say about me but PLEASE think of the girls / women reading them comments that think my body is good because there gonna than think .. " well if she's fat , I must be " please let's teach our girls and women that NO ONE is perfect & we need to start learning to love what we have.. life is hard enough , we don't need to spread body shaming or any kind of trolling ... just ask yourself .. would I want my daughter / sister to read these comments ? I certainly wouldn't . Ps remember just because I'm on tv does not mean I have to be "perfect " because I'm NOT . no one is! I'm a normal 26 year old girl just trying to live ?


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



