ドレイクのインスタグラム(champagnepapi) - 8月28日 18時13分

We are currently overseas in London and all I can think about is how devastated I am as I look at images of the damage Hurricane Harvey has caused. I am praying for the safety of all those affected. Houston has truly been a home to me over the last 8 years. Myself and @futuretheprince are working with local relief groups to aid and assist the people of Texas in anyway we can and in the most immediate way possible. I also want to thank all the men and women of service and volunteers for their courageous efforts to help people in need.
I encourage everyone to do what they can to assist the people of Texas knowing whatever effort you can make to help will go a long way.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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