レナ・ダナムのインスタグラム(lenadunham) - 8月26日 03時37分

I've had a really challenging few weeks with my endometriosis- a flare up that felt like a step back on a journey I try to force into perpetual forward motion. So not only have I felt too sick to do the things I love (read, write, walk my dogs, eat salami) I have also felt super defeated, layer upon layer of shame around my inability to control my body and its impact on my life. I've felt sorry for myself, and sorry for feeling sorry for myself when the country I love is so doubled over with struggle. But the people closest to me (@ジャック・アントノフ @ジェニファー・コナー @lauriesimmons @greer_lankton_archives_museum among them) have been reminding me- oh so patiently- that shame? It does nothing to heal us. It has nothing to teach us. It gives nothing back to a society that needs our fight. Self-acceptance (of our bodies, of our limitations, of our realities even when they're deeply uncomfortable) is all we have. When we let it flood us, the sky goes blue again. The sun shines yellow. Pizza is delicious. And we walk, one foot then one foot, asking to be refilled with the spirit of creativity and curiosity. After all, a walk is just a slow march. IMAGE: Poke by @greer_lankton_archives_museum,1980

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