コソヴァレ・アスラニのインスタグラム(asllani9) - 8月24日 18時48分

Did you know that Swedish male athletes received 2.9 billion kr more than their female equals last year? We want to change that!

With the Fill the Stadium campaign we want to highlight the inequalities that force half of Sweden's athletes to perform in headwinds. We want to pay tribute to all the records that have gone unattended, all the training sessions that have to be done when the men's team do not have the pitch, as well as all the games that are played before empty stands.

It is by no means a solution to the challenges, but a symbolic act that we hope will inspire people to contribute to a greater and more equal sporting world. Sport is a movement. And when enough people come together we can accomplish big things. FILL THE STADIUM!
Skicka ? till 71 140 och stöd kampen för en jämställd idrott! (kostar lika mycket som ett vanligt sms)

När vi samlat ihop 50 000 digitala ? så skänker stadium 1 miljon kr till Riksidrottsförbundets arbete för jämställdhet.
#fillthestadium #jmstlldhet


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