ローラ・ベイリーのインスタグラム(laurabaileylondon) - 8月19日 08時46分

Twiggy | 1968 ✨
Love London ♡
This week I've been a tourist in my home town, whilst most of my friends are away. Portobello Road extra-magical between a heatwave and monsoon ~ my kids were fighting and shouting & I told them we could fly all around the world but nothing is better than this- and then my son spent his pocket money on a junk shop fake 50s golden necklace for me and they became briefly, magically best friends treasure-hunting in cahoots. My sandals broke in the rain & we limped towards pizza and sat outside in the storm, market bric-a-brac catapulting around us as if in Oz, my dog wearing my sweatshirt because I was soaking wet but not cold at all. And my daughter said this this was the worst - and the best - day of the summer, and I agreed. And we looked & looked skywards for a symbolic rainbow. But how lucky we are to be walking free in the cities we love.. All thoughts with Barcelona and Spain tonight. My life changed one long beautiful Ramblas walk 18 years ago. Love always wins. Peace ♡

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