ベン・ヒギンズのインスタグラム(higgins.ben) - 8月17日 06時25分

I am participating in the #nopuckerchallenge and so should you to help combat Nieman-Pick Type C (NPC). NPC is a fatal genetic disorder mostly affecting children. It is commonly referred to as "Childhood Alzheimers's". NPC is always fatal. Without help, half of the children won't survive past age 10. Hope for Marian is a member of SOAR (Support of Accelerated Research). SOAR is a collaboration between a group of family foundations and leading scientific researchers whose unifying goal is to find treatments and a cure for NPC. The overarching goal of SOAR is to fund and accelerate the most promising research and development pipelines for NPC. This serves to rapidly identify promising compounds and expedite pre-clinical testing to get treatments here better, faster and in time. All money raised by Hope for Marian will benefit SOAR projects and partnerships, directly funding and accelerating life saving research with the promise to save NPC children. Your support will help save the life of a child with NPC. Take the No Pucker Challenge!

Eat a lemon, donate and buy a shirt at www.hopeformarian.org.
#hopeformarian #curenpc #nopuckerchallenge. @jjhlane @barstoolsports @wellsadams @treysmith4412 @ssykes_mortgage


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