リル・デュヴァルのインスタグラム(lilduval) - 8月14日 01時21分

This guy came up to me out of nowhere the other day and just started telling me his whole life story and when I listened it was like God, the spirit, the universe, or whatever you wanna call it, used him to reassure me that I was doing the right thing. Cuz everything he was saying to me was what I was just thinking about and questioning but I had nobody really to talk to that understands. And I don't expect most to, because you're logic is usually based on where u are in life or finances but after talking to this stranger for 30 minutes it gave me everything I needed. He didn't have a clue who I was nor cared but most of things he was telling me about his life is what I'm going thru and I'm just appreciative that this moment happened for me


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