のインスタグラム(cheeserland) - 8月11日 22時17分

New blog post - Junya and Sakura's monthly update: www.cheeserland.jp

I was losing faith in the things I do as a parent and also a working adult. The best effort I made was only enough for myself and always not enough for other people. And it seems impossible to stay professional at work when you are tied to full time parenting duties at the same time. "Sorry I'm gonna be 15 minutes late because my son forgot his toy."
"Sorry I missed out your email because my daughter deleted it."
"Sorry but can we reschedule the meeting because I just can't seem to find the time for it today."
"Sorry I'll have to cancel the event as both my kids are sick."
These could all be happening for real but you can't expect everyone to understand it. Being a parent does not mean that you have the privilege to use all these excuses. And I really hate to have to use them.

Nvm. It's time to evolve again. I'll be back with full force when I have leveled up.


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