Huffington Postのインスタグラム(huffpost) - 8月11日 06時12分

????❄️❄️❄️❄️Brain freeze is an unavoidable risk when eating ice cream but what is actually happening?⠀

Brain freeze is a type of headache just like a migraine is a type of headache. It’s just a quickly onset one that also happens to dissipate rapidly.⠀

When you drink or eat something cold, like ice cream, you’re changing the temperature at the back of your throat, where the juncture of the internal carotid artery and the anterior cerebral artery is found. The internal carotid artery feeds blood to the brain and the anterior cerebral artery is where brain tissue starts. Basically, it’s full of blood vessels. The change in temperature causes a dilation and contraction of the vessels, and this is the reason we feel pain.⠀

? @geesubay


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