REIのインスタグラム(rei) - 8月10日 07時37分

"For the majority of my life I was afraid to try new things. Activities, especially physical ones, limited me from putting myself out there and experiencing all the adventures life has to offer. Until I realized that putting myself out there – or stepping into the arena, as they say – did magical things for my self-esteem. Whether in a social sense or an athletic one, stepping outside of our comfort zones allows us to grow and push ourselves forward. So often in recreation, fear renders us motionless. Fear of looking inexperienced, or finding ourselves in a situation we can’t get out of. But if we are able to quiet the voice of fear and safely dare into the areas that bring us discomfort, we’re able to come out more accomplished and proud than when we went in. I’m here to tell you that taking these steps outside of your comfort zone is worth it. You’ll surprise yourself with what you’re capable of doing, the hobbies and habits you adopt and the way your happiness and strength pours out when you trek into discomfort. When you’re able to bravely step outside of your comfort zone, that’s when you become a true #ForceOfNature." - Sarah Herron, Founder of SheLift
Photo by @dylan.h.brown


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