バーニー・サンダースのインスタグラム(berniesanders) - 8月5日 02時29分

Nissan is doing everything it can to stop workers in Canton, Mississippi, from forming a union, and this could go down as one of the most vicious, and illegal, anti-union crusades in decades. Workers should never have to endure this type of threatening campaign or walk through a minefield just to vote for a union. The truth is Nissan is an all-too-familiar story of how greedy corporations divide and conquer working people.
I proudly support Nissan workers’ fight to form a union. What they are doing takes tremendous courage. If they succeed in forming a union it will not only improve their wages and working conditions, but will benefit workers across the south and all across this country.
Please take a moment to read my op-ed in @guardian on this crucial fight (link in bio).


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




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