Huffington Postのインスタグラム(huffpost) - 8月3日 01時46分

When teacher Marielle Slagel Keller was thinking about who she would choose as the flower girl and ring bearer at her wedding, the only kiddos who came to mind were her own students. ⠀

Marielle, who teaches a combined kindergarten and first grade class at IPS Butler Lab School in Indianapolis, Indiana, tied the knot with Mike Keller on June 24. Back in December, she invited her class to join her on the big day.⠀

“My sister does calligraphy, so I had her make a personal invitation for each child. It said their name and then below it said, ‘Will you join me in wearing white?’” Marielle told HuffPost. “I put an invitation in each child’s [school] mailbox and told them to wait to open it until they got home with their family.” ⠀

And sure enough, six months later, 20 of her students were there to celebrate the occasion, wearing white outfits and carrying green garlands down the aisle.⠀
@kelseyborresen for #huffpost⠀
?: @coryandjackie


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