ミッチェル・コリンズのインスタグラム(michcoll) - 8月1日 12時26分

I spent 90 minutes on my hair and makeup for #thedarktower premiere bc IDRIS ELBA was gonna be there and my entire future basically depended on it. There we were, in the same room, as app tray after app tray passed me by but I refused to long-arm some crab rangoon into my mouth just in case IDRIS elbowed by. In the end, nary a single one of his eyeballs looked my way and there I was, just me (fine & @cmbenz) starving, cold & alone. It was only after my Lyft dropped me off that I realized I didn't take a single. effing. pic. all night. So here I am world, crazy-eyed & coiffed, eating an old Pret salad on my couch about to watch #MenTellAll. And all this with a cold!! ? UR LOSS IDZ. #DiscoveryIDris


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する



