ミンカ・ケリーのインスタグラム(minkakelly) - 8月1日 01時02分

Supposed to be on my way to Albuquerque right now, but as Murphy's Law would have it, duty calls and I'm off to NYC.
Since I had to postpone the trip, I feel like sharing some of what I was heading there to reconnect and make peace with.
Here's me and my family at my high school graduation.
My momma and David, the man who was my father for the first 16 years of my life (I had to move out at 16 - I'll tell that story another time.) My aunty Sylvia, and my Grandma. This is a small portion of the family that raised me - I used to tell people my name was Minka Gutierrez.
The other pics are of my best friends, only one of whom I stayed in a bit of contact with - Angel.
I don't know what I would have done without her. Her and her family.
She was my sister.
We've grown apart over the years and I hope you'll see this, Angel - I love you and I think of you often.
Our parents do the best they can with the tools they have.
I'm proud of who I am and how far I've come.
While it wasn't easy, I'm grateful to my time in Albuquerque for making me the strong and fearless woman that I am.
Also, thank god my eyebrows grew back.
That is all for now.
More to come.

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