M.I.A.のインスタグラム(miamatangi) - 7月30日 01時04分

#1984vsNOW #whoworeitbest
This just popped up "promo for Australian pink clay"
So I assumed it came from where native Australian people used to live. So I searched.....but there is no images of #aboriginals on instagram. They literally got the word #(abo"original") in the name.
If you didn't see it it , it didn't happen.

Indigenous- as a word doesn't roll off the tongue
When U search you can't use the word indigenous without adding second word. Depending on location. Which European civilisation is indigenousEuropean ?
This isn't inclusive its actually admitting they are in a museum in the said area.
As Indigenous
Indigenous American
Indigenous Asian
Indigenous Australian
If one day they started calling Tamils
Indigenous sir lankan got rid of being referred to as Tamil I'll be upset because it like the world has accepted that we don't belong in modern society.

I get indigenous is trying to be politically correct but it's intellectual . It probably doesn't reflect the syllables from the culture itself.


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