ケイト・ウォルシュのインスタグラム(katewalsh) - 7月27日 01時58分

#Repost @kamalaharris
This: call your senators!!
Yesterday, Republicans voted to move forward to debate a bill that would strip away health care from millions of Americans. While their first attempt to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act failed, it’s the vote later this week that we need everyone to speak out against. This fight is far from over and the last thing we should do is despair or throw our hands up . A lot of you have asked how you can help the fight if you live in a state with two Democratic Senators. First, reach out to friends and family in states with Senators who voted in favor of the motion to proceed. Make sure they’re calling and writing their Senators to protest the bill. Second, join any and all protests against this health care bill. Use your voice to show Republicans that we won’t go silently, we will fight for health care with all of our might because health care is a right, not a privilege. Third, tell your story, just like I’m going to keep sharing the stories people have shared with me. Time to redouble our efforts and keep up the work.

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