OFI Australiaのインスタグラム(ofi_australia) - 7月25日 16時39分

Forest school is also the time to interact with peers and receive comfort and support from caregivers such as Ibu Epo. In the wild, infant orangutan Yansi Seymour would have been close with his mother for 10 years. OFI caregivers have a fundamental role in simulating this reassurance and care | Image credit: @OFI Australia | If you would like your photo's featured by us please tag your images with #ofi_australia and we will credit you! ?
? OFIA Founder: Kobe Steele ? kobe@ofiaustralia.com | OFIA Patron and Ambassador: @drbirute @orangutanfoundationintl | OFIA Volunteers: Clare @clarelh89 | www.orangutanfoundation.org.au ?
#orangutan #orphan #rescue #rehabilitate #release #BornToBeWild #Borneo #Indonesia #oficareandquarantinecentre #orangutans #savetheorangutans #sayNOtopalmoil #palmoil #deforestation #destruction #rainforest #environment #nature #endangeredspecies #endangered #wildlife #orangutanfoundationintl #ofi #drbirute #ofi_australia #ofia #fosterparent

Our mission is to support & continue the orangutan & forest conservation efforts initiated by Dr Birute Mary Galdikas & OFI in Kalimantan, Borneo.


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