I get a lot of emails/ messages about looking & feeling great after you have a kid. A lot of you ladies are discouraged or are scared to have a baby (or the second/third) because you love your body the way it is right now. Or you're not happy and scared it will get worse. Personally, I love my body AFTER Ky. Growing up, I had a skinny "boy" body but would hold weight in my stomach. I felt like that meme where the monkey is looking down at his belly. It wasn't a big gut but trust me it was there. I had Ky at 24 and although that's young and easier to "bounce back" body wise, I couldn't work out while I was pregnant because I was bedridden. That stubborn little boy kept trying to come out longggg before he should have. I was rushed to the E.R. FOUR times before the 3rd trimester where they had to stop my contractions and labor. I felt like the movie "The Exorcist". I was cursing at Doctors and Nurses because I felt like he would be premature and not make it. Poor hospital staff. Getting off topic here. Anywaysssss, I was so sick my entire pregnancy. I only gained 18 pounds. Great right? Nope. I looked like the Crypt Keeper and felt like I was dying. I wanted to be one of those Hippie moms on the beach dancing with a flower halo and wearing a cute bikini with my baby bump. Not me tho. I lived on my couch near a trash can the ENTIRE TIME. Try to find a picture of me smiling and out of the house while I was pregnant. Don't worry, I'll wait. Ohhhhh the joys of being pregnant. After getting steroid shots to make sure his lungs were strong enough, he was born 3 weeks early at 6 pounds 2 oz. My body took about 6 months to bounce back to where I was happy. But it took work. We walked w/ the stroller 2 times a day everyday. Yes, I got stretch marks even after using all the oils you can buy in a store. I have hips now tho. Thank you jesusssss. You don't just shed the weight and then you're done. It's a process. It's hard work. It's clean eating. It's going to the gym when you feel like going on a Netflix binge. Bottom line- He is the best thing that has ever happened to me and my body and now we get to work out together. 💪🏼💟💋 #1stphorm mom 👦🏽👸🏽🤘🏽

jessahintonさん(@jessahinton)が投稿した動画 -

ジェサ・ヒントンのインスタグラム(jessahinton) - 7月24日 05時52分

I get a lot of emails/ messages about looking & feeling great after you have a kid. A lot of you ladies are discouraged or are scared to have a baby (or the second/third) because you love your body the way it is right now. Or you're not happy and scared it will get worse. Personally, I love my body AFTER Ky. Growing up, I had a skinny "boy" body but would hold weight in my stomach. I felt like that meme where the monkey is looking down at his belly. It wasn't a big gut but trust me it was there. I had Ky at 24 and although that's young and easier to "bounce back" body wise, I couldn't work out while I was pregnant because I was bedridden. That stubborn little boy kept trying to come out longggg before he should have. I was rushed to the E.R. FOUR times before the 3rd trimester where they had to stop my contractions and labor. I felt like the movie "The Exorcist". I was cursing at Doctors and Nurses because I felt like he would be premature and not make it. Poor hospital staff. Getting off topic here. Anywaysssss, I was so sick my entire pregnancy. I only gained 18 pounds. Great right? Nope. I looked like the Crypt Keeper and felt like I was dying. I wanted to be one of those Hippie moms on the beach dancing with a flower halo and wearing a cute bikini with my baby bump. Not me tho. I lived on my couch near a trash can the ENTIRE TIME. Try to find a picture of me smiling and out of the house while I was pregnant. Don't worry, I'll wait. Ohhhhh the joys of being pregnant. After getting steroid shots to make sure his lungs were strong enough, he was born 3 weeks early at 6 pounds 2 oz. My body took about 6 months to bounce back to where I was happy. But it took work. We walked w/ the stroller 2 times a day everyday. Yes, I got stretch marks even after using all the oils you can buy in a store. I have hips now tho. Thank you jesusssss. You don't just shed the weight and then you're done. It's a process. It's hard work. It's clean eating. It's going to the gym when you feel like going on a Netflix binge. Bottom line- He is the best thing that has ever happened to me and my body and now we get to work out together. 💪🏼💟💋 #1stphorm mom 👦🏽👸🏽🤘🏽


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