アレクサ・ヴェガのインスタグラム(vegaalexa) - 7月23日 11時56分

Photo cred : @kriziavega (felt the need to write an update... No, I am not naked. I am in a bathing suit. However, whether I was or wasn't is beside the point... why do people feel so entitled to give their opinions of judgement. Comments left on pages should be uplifting and loving. And if you don't like something you see... or someone posts something that bothers you... PRAY for them!!! It actually works and does something for your heart as much as theirs! For those who will further this argument and say "we must call out our brothers and sisters...etc..." Again, pray. When we feel the need to call each other out, especially on social media, it doesn't come across as loving... it just comes across as arrogant and self righteous. People are looking at your words and they DO take them to heart. We are ALL role models and our actions DO affect one another. So please be mindful.)


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




