リル・デュヴァルのインスタグラム(lilduval) - 7月16日 21時42分

Studying ain't nothing but memorizing what u reading and back in the day those where the people that had a one up on everybody. That's why it use to be important to go to school. now u can learn everything u need in life off the internet. anybody can seem smart cuz u can just look up any information right in the palm of yo hand. It's like everybody got the answers to the final exam. You follow me? So nowadays it's all about how u comprehend and apply yo information. Moral of the story u gon need more than a degree to make it in the future. Shit actually u need more than that now. Cuz robots doing all jobs now ?‍♂️ #lilduvaltaughtyou #yesimboredonaflight


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