セルジオ・ペレスのインスタグラム(schecoperez) - 7月15日 02時24分

Claire, esta carrera la dedico a ti y a todas las personas que están peleando contra el cáncer. Force India y yo vamos a pelear a tu lado para llevar el mensaje a todo el mundo y que más personas se unan a la causa. Por favor donen a @breast_cancer_care! ••• Claire, this race goes to you and all the people who is fighting against cancer. Force India and I will fight with you to spread the word all around the world and get funds for the cause. Please donate to @breast_cancer_care!

#Repost @forceindiaf1
Claire is a @breast_cancer_care volunteer and #breastcancer patient. This weekend, @forceindiaf1 will have her name on @セルジオ・ペレス's car. Checo will carry with him a pink ribbon with Claire's message of Strength, Hope and Unity inside the cockpit. Claire's motto is #NeverGiveUp - one she coincidentally shares with @セルジオ・ペレス. This one is for you, Claire, for your excitement and emotion! @breast_cancer_care #britishgp #forceindia #forceindiaf1 #formula1


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