ソフィーのインスタグラム(sophielovestuna) - 7月14日 02時01分

Ma said you've been asking some questions about me, so, top 7 answers are on the board...
1. Have I met Scottie? No, I haven't been outside other than on the porch. Maybe in a few weeks. We hope they become buddies too if he shows interest in going out. He calls the shots.
2. What mix am I? The vet thinks I'm a Persian/Turkish Angora mix
3. Do I sleep in Sophie's bed? No. But I did decide (all by myself) on top of the dresser where her bed was, is also my spot. So far I don't want to use any beds.
4. Do I snuggle? Mostly only around 3am. I curl up to mom and lick her face. Then when I get all snuggled in and we're both cozy for a bit I bolt up to the dresser. I've been known to take a nap with dad too.
5. Personality? Super friendly, loves attention, playing, pats, and doesn't mind getting picked up.
6. Do I get brushed? Yes, everyday. I don't mind as long as it's not too long.
7. Am I leash trained? No. But I do wear one on the porch for safety because it's on the second floor and lots of taunting birds fly around.
If I missed something ask and I'll try to answer it. Thanks for all the warm welcomes!


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