エマ・ロバーツのインスタグラム(emmaroberts) - 7月14日 01時42分

As a young girl growing up in Los Angeles, I spent a lot of time & energy trying to figure out who I was. I think this is true for young women growing up in most places — and it is for this reason that we chose #SexAndRage by the legendary #EveBabitz as our #July @belletrist book pick. Babitz’s heroine, Jacaranda, speaks volumes to the messiness and mistakes that mark adolescence. I can’t wait for you guys to read her story, and to hopefully enjoy the rest of the Eve Babitz collection once you finish this one. Read it on the beach, read it in your house, read it on the subway, read it wherever books are read…which is, of course, everywhere. Head over to @belletrist for more... ?


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