ロメオ・ミラーのインスタグラム(romeomiller) - 7月11日 03時55分

We all want happiness but sometimes we forget that happiness is a journey, full of uphill battles. Every heartbreak, every let down, every struggle, I truly believe leads us closer to happiness. “Happiness is the art of never holding in your mind the memory of any unpleasant thing that has passed.” When I lost my cousins at the age of 8, I became closer to God. When my plane almost crashed and we had an emergency landing in the desert, I became closer to God. When my little brother Hercy was born premature and only given days to live, I became closer to God. Some of us smile, not because everything is perfect but because we are strong. That's my message to you today, be STRONG and everything will work out. ?#happiness


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