スカイ・フェレイラのインスタグラム(skyferreira) - 7月4日 13時41分

??your think piece is trash ?? then again you're only a "real" musician if you're a girl who "rocks" & you MUST produce your own albums **** in order to earn the slightest bit of respect. Autocorrect will be the death of me. Unfortunately, when it comes to being a female musician...standards are extremely low that it's insulting or so high that it's nearly impossible to reach. We will always be told that our accomplishments would have never happened without someone else's hand leading us the way or creating us or "letting" us do things we rightfully deserve. Our failures? Not so much.We must be grateful & pat those who help us "women in music" because they have added more women to festivals or whatever because we are !!!girls!!! & what not. When in reality,"female musicians" should be playing anyways because of our music/talent...& some might possibly outweigh a few of our male peers? We aren't numbers,people. We aren't concepts. Thanks for throwing us a bone, I guess. Thanks for letting me know that I'm proving myself to YOU that I am a "real" woman. I haven't got a clue what that even means because it doesn't exist. What box shall I jump into today 4 your sweet sweet sweet embrace? Xxoxoox


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