カイリー・バーゾサのインスタグラム(kylieverzosa) - 7月1日 13時55分

I have always been against big hair and heavy looking makeup ? When I joined Binibini the 2nd time around I told myself, I'd go as natural as I can. No frills, no big curls, no sequined dresses, no glitter, everything that was stereotyped a beauty queen. And during Miss International I upped it up a notch, no platform shoes, no short dresses, no dangling earrings, (I only brought pair of @jewelmer studs). I wanted to breakout of the stereotypical beauty queen mold. Neither did I wave like one either lol. I went as simple and as elegant as possible, with fighting spirit of course -or made it LOOK easy and effortless haha. Find out what works for you. Sometimes, though I give it a chance, given the right occasion. ????@metroweddingsmagazine


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