トーマス・サドスキーのインスタグラム(thomas_sadoski) - 6月30日 13時58分

'The U.N. previously said that reports of atrocities committed during the crackdown...may amount to genocide or ethnic cleansing.' To deny an independent fact-finding mission in the face of potential genocide is wickedly authoritarian in the extreme.

I long ago entered disillusionment regarding Suu Kyi. Disappointment, fustration, anger soon followed. I have now reached disgust.

She is now actively participating in covering up crimes against humanity of the most vile kinds: gender-based violence, torture, profound dehumanization, murder of children, the old, sick & the weak. She is now no longer a shoddy choice for the Nobel Peace Prize (like Obama), she has in my view become the primary example in the modern age of absolute power corrupting absolutely. She is complicit. She is a criminal. She should be viewed in the same context as Milošević. She is now the de facto architect of the #Rohingya genocide.

To hedge any longer, to wish for the Suu Kyi that we imagined was there is to disregard the facts in service of vainglorious hope. And the #Rohingya cannot and should not suffer another day because of our failure to see what is so plainly, starkly, awfully there.

Suu Kyi and her regime must be held to account by the international community. The time for negotiations and capitulation is over.


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