ホイットニー・ポートのインスタグラム(whitneyeveport) - 6月30日 07時37分

This week on I Love My Baby and I'm Starting To Not Mind My Pregnancy So Much Anymore ( yes, we changed the title, better late than never, right?!) we wanted to give you an inside look at our 32 week Ultrasound so you could get to know our little cutie a little more! It's so crazy how we overanalyze all the little things our doctors tell us- whether it's that they have a lot of tiny hairs all over their body or they aren't moving so much at the moment because they are sleeping, or their nose is prominent! After watching this I realized I needed to step back, relax and be kind to myself and my growing baby! It's so true when all people say is what matters most is a HEALTHY baby. Click on link in bio to see full video.


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




