ギャランス・ドレのインスタグラム(garancedore) - 6月22日 22時09分

So happy to announce the project I'm working on with @atelierdore here in Morocco! We are about to launch our first creative retreat!!! It will happen in November here in Marrakech, at @elfennmarrakech in partnership with @smithhotels. All about unleashing your creativity, this retreat is called "The Art of Storytelling" and will combine workshops with me and my creative community as well as visits with local artists and artisans. I am so excited and I can't wait to meet each one of you! Before we put out tickets in July we wanted to invite those of you who are interested to sign up at the link in bio, so you can receive the information first. Can't wait to meet and create with you guys - and if you know any more artists here you think I should meet, it's been amazing so far so let me know -the creative community here is amazing. #atelierdorretreats #garanceinmarrakech


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