New York Times Fashionのインスタグラム(nytstyle) - 6月20日 04時02分

Shayla Harris, a documentary filmmaker, was recently in Congo on a fellowship documenting energy poverty. She wanted to capture how people, many of whom don’t have reliable electricity or access to water, maintain pride in their appearance. In Goma, 14 of 18 neighborhoods in the city experience rolling blackouts on a daily basis. “When I talked to people in Congo, they would say that, despite all the struggles and despite all the misery, pride in the way they dress is something they take really seriously,” @shayjoy said. “They make sure their whites are super-white and their clothes are super clean.” For an interview with Ms. Harris and more photos click the link in the bio. #thelooknyt for more style photos in New York City, Taipei and beyond.


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