エリーゼ・エストラーダのインスタグラム(eliseestrada) - 6月19日 09時20分

So my father kinda kicks ass. He came to Canada for my mother. He was already an architect in the Philippines and was unsure about starting over again. However, he did it for my mother and his kids. He started doing construction jobs, worked as a janitor and delivered newspapers. He did it all to provide for his four kids. Cut to years later...he now owns his own business, employs a number of men, and spoils the shit out of his daughters and sons-we all got our own cars thanks to this man. Ha. He never stood in the way of my dreams and I love him for everything he's done for my baby brothers and sister. Thanks daddy.
Also, my @adamhxoxo is the best dad in the world. I watch you put Chancey first every day. A lot of people know our baby is an actor and everything he's accomplished at only 10years old...but they don't know everything. The work and sacrifices you make. The early mornings you work on your own career so you could spend the day on Chance's career. Without a doubt, he is your source of achievement, pride and inspiration. Fatherhood has taught you about unconditional love, and has taught you to be a better person. I consider myself lucky to witness just how beautiful of a man you are to both me and my step baby. Thank you so much for making us your priority. Happy Father's Day to you my love of my life ?


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