ザッカリー・リーヴァイのインスタグラム(zacharylevi) - 6月16日 13時17分

The final voyage of the USS Klump (ARB). To simply say she was a good ship, wouldn't quite do her justice. She was more than I ever hoped or expected. An amazing gift that I was honored to steward these past 13 years. A refuge. A bastion. A home, workplace, and dance club. A place that in certain times of my life felt like a prison, but mostly just felt like coming home to my family's warm, and welcome embrace. My kin, yes, but also the awe-inspiring collection of friends, co-workers, acquaintances, and even strangers, that I'm blessed enough to call family, and that know me by the same name. I'd be lying to say that it doesn't get me all a little choked up, cuz, ya know, it's me. But, I am so beyond excited for the next chapter of life. And community. And family. And future. Sending you all, mi todo familia, all my love. Always. #bonvoyageShermanKlump #Hercules! ?


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