モニーク・コールマンのインスタグラム(_moniquecoleman) - 6月16日 08時57分

I used to be a bully. It never resorted to violence, but the verbal abuse was damaging. I would call myself fat + constantly point out everything I hated (my thighs, my hair, my teeth, my curves) I'd say things to myself that I would never say to another person--especially not someone I loved!
I spent far too much of my twenties measuring my worth by a number on the scale. I think about it now & I believe that my desire to shrink was just another way of playing small. I was afraid to take up space--to be seen. I was afraid to be me. .
I'm so proud to say that I've truly let that go. Anyone that knows me knows that I LOVE to exercise and I have a mostly healthy lifestyle, but it's bc I genuinely enjoy it not because I don't feel like I'm enough. I like being strong, flexible, and having the endurance to keep chasing these lofty dreams. .
When I shifted my focus from the number on a box to the number of lives I could impact everything changed. Be of service to others & you'll come to know how truly beautiful you are ?


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