PlayStationのインスタグラム(playstation) - 6月14日 13時47分

"My first E3 was with a game called Omikron: The Nomad Soul, and we came here thinking we had a very solid demo and we’d tested it inside out, and were really proud of it. And we installed it on the PC here, and we realised that the demo crashed after two minutes. We didn’t have a clue why. I came here with a programmer who’d worked so hard on it, that I said, 'Ok, you come over with me, you deserve it. Just come and enjoy the show.' And he said, 'I’m gonna grab some code with me, who knows?' I said, 'Why do you take code with you, that’s ridiculous!' But when we realised the game crashed, he took his computer and said, 'I’m going to debug that now'. So here we are, it’s 3AM, we’re trying to understand what’s going on, we had the trucks coming, carpets are being laid, they were literally building the booth around my programmer fixing this bug, and he compiled a version five minutes before they opened the show. He fixed it!” - David Cage, Quantic Dream
#PeopleofE3 #PlayStationE3


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