I like everything about this! ❤️#Repost @laurenpaul8 (@get_repost) ・・・ This is Byta (@mybyta). Isn't she beautiful?! Byta means to change, swap or shift. We share a habit which results in BILLIONS of paper and plastic cups being thrown away each year. Did you know that only about 1 in 400 coffee cups actually end up being recycled because of the material they are made of? Replacing wasteful cups with one reusable cup is one of the most simple ways you can help make our earth a cleaner place. . A year ago, my brother @jedidiahjenkins shared an idea with me. He and his friend Michael realized there wasn't a reusable coffee cup on the market that they liked. So, they invited a few of their friends to help create one and go on a journey with them. . During that initial conversation, I asked myself why I never used the couple of reusable coffee cups I owned, which were pushed to the back of my kitchen cabinet. I still don't know the answer to that but I knew there had to be a reason. So, I repurposed the old ones, cleared the shelf of the clunky ones I had and started fresh with Byta. Now, I don't leave the house without it, I travel with it and I can't stand the thought of using cups that end up in the trash. Somehow, Byta helped inspire me to truly change my habit and it feels so good! I freaking love this thing! It's the perfect size and shape and the colors are ??! My personal fav being Himalayan Pink. It goes with every outfit and nail color on the planet, and ladies, we know how important that is ?!! Oh, and it works for hot AND cold drinks! . If you're interested, go to @mybyta to get one! A portion of proceeds goes to the Ocean Conservancy and the Enviromental Defense Fund. Email [email protected] for international orders! #byta #mybyta #reusablecoffeecup #bpafree . ?'s by @coryt

jessicaszohrさん(@jessicaszohr)が投稿した動画 -

ジェシカ・ゾアのインスタグラム(jessicaszohr) - 6月14日 06時15分

I like everything about this! ❤️#Repost @laurenpaul8 (@get_repost)
This is Byta (@mybyta). Isn't she beautiful?! Byta means to change, swap or shift.
We share a habit which results in BILLIONS of paper and plastic cups being thrown away each year. Did you know that only about 1 in 400 coffee cups actually end up being recycled because of the material they are made of? Replacing wasteful cups with one reusable cup is one of the most simple ways you can help make our earth a cleaner place.
A year ago, my brother @jedidiahjenkins shared an idea with me. He and his friend Michael realized there wasn't a reusable coffee cup on the market that they liked. So, they invited a few of their friends to help create one and go on a journey with them.
During that initial conversation, I asked myself why I never used the couple of reusable coffee cups I owned, which were pushed to the back of my kitchen cabinet. I still don't know the answer to that but I knew there had to be a reason. So, I repurposed the old ones, cleared the shelf of the clunky ones I had and started fresh with Byta. Now, I don't leave the house without it, I travel with it and I can't stand the thought of using cups that end up in the trash. Somehow, Byta helped inspire me to truly change my habit and it feels so good! I freaking love this thing! It's the perfect size and shape and the colors are ??! My personal fav being Himalayan Pink. It goes with every outfit and nail color on the planet, and ladies, we know how important that is ?!! Oh, and it works for hot AND cold drinks!
If you're interested, go to @mybyta to get one! A portion of proceeds goes to the Ocean Conservancy and the Enviromental Defense Fund.
Email hi@mybyta.com for international orders!
#byta #mybyta #reusablecoffeecup #bpafree
?'s by @coryt


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




