タンクのインスタグラム(therealtank) - 6月13日 22時38分

It gets hot when most people are looking for a reason to doubt you than a reason to support you. When you're hated for just trying to love. When you won't sell out and take the easy route. When you're scarred from climbing the rough side of the mountain so that you're humility is not just talked about but it's visible. When you're fighting for something they thought they killed long ago. No matter what you're going through don't let the heat scare you. It's ok to let them see you sweat just make sure you let them see you wipe it off and keep going. Decide to be unstoppable! #RnBMoney #RnBSoldiers #TheGeneral #savagecomingsoon #dopepic ? @twelvepastseven


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