ジ・オニオンのインスタグラム(theonion) - 6月10日 00時11分

“I know this is your first visit, but based on what you’ve shared so far, it seems like our initial step should be giving Karen the space and freedom to have sex with as many men as she wants while Mark’s away during the day,” said marriage counselor Taylor Hahn, who upon noticing Mark McClaren’s visible alarm reminded him that strengthening a marriage was a process and that they could easily change course in their second session if his wife’s enjoying a variety of lovers while he was at the office wasn’t achieving the desired result. “Obviously, we haven’t really dived in yet, but for starters, why don’t we just let Karen embark on a carnal odyssey of liaisons with friends, neighbors, and complete strangers from the internet? We can absolutely consider other options down the road if need be.” #TheOnion


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