ジェサ・ヒントンのインスタグラム(jessahinton) - 6月8日 08時04分

You're so stubborn and proud. You get under my skin, have to have the last word and are going to give me gray hairs. I tell you this all the time but I'm pretty sure you feel the exact same way about me. What I don't tell you enough is how fucking special you are. That you're the funniest person I have ever met and you don't even try. I need to tell you more that I'm so lucky to spend every day with you. That our conversations solidifies that we will never get bored with each other. I look at you with amazement because you don't see what I see. You are so humble yet so effortlessly the coolest person around. Everyone that meets you falls in love with you the way I did. It's not your beautiful green eyes or your amazing hair. It's not your sexy dance moves or the way you grip me tight in a crowded place. It's not your adorable competitive nature or how you rub my back until I fall asleep. You are so dominant yet so gentle and sensitive. You light up every room you walk into and can make me smile when the world is crashing down. These are some of the reasons I adore you but I love you mostly because of the way you love Ky and I. Thank you for being in our lives and making us so happy. We love you Van ❤️


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