ベス・ベアーズのインスタグラム(bethbehrs) - 6月5日 11時59分

My dear friend @ladyluofthewolves has an incredible site I've been a fan of since it started @of_the_wolves and they need your help ! "Of the Wolves is a global, multi-dimensional resource and platform focused on universal stories, stewardship, sustainable consumption and salons and retreats. We’re a community-driven organization and a comprehensive compendium of a life better lived in the modern age. We exist: in service of something far more important than creating and selling “content”, something ancient: sharing stories with the intent to pass information, preserve tradition and art, and to connect. Also the abolition of shame, the open discussion of sometimes private challenges like sobriety and mental illness, and earth magic. We forge on: to facilitate real ways to consume sustainably, be stewards on this earth, and to provide practical tools for a higher quality of human experience for our global audience. We’ve no interest in a picture-perfect life, just the real stuff – substance over show - and uniting like-minded people around the world as technology and global strife seem to divide us. " see link in my story for ways to donate/ get involved!


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