ケイラ・アイトサインズのインスタグラム(kayla_itsines) - 6月5日 11時05分

Dear Mums of the world,
I know, I am not a mum but I know as mums, all you want is the best life for your baby girl. I know you always see things first and realise the world can be mean sometimes. I know you want to help her. But please listen.
* "Dear mums,
I know as women, we all have our bad days and get angry or stressed. But please never tell your daughter she is not good enough. Please don't put her down in front of others or compare her to her friends or family members. *
Dear mums,
It doesn't matter how many of her friends tell her she's beautiful, it doesn't matter how hard she works, it doesn't matter how many articles she reads on body confidence....YOU are her leader, her idol, the one person she listens to and trusts. Please make sure you constantly remind her SHE IS good enough.
YOU set the precedent for this. *
Dear mums, we love you. All we ever want is for you to love us. Tell us we are beautiful. Be proud of us for the person we are on the inside.
Because we all know.... true beauty, comes from within" - kayla itsines *

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