Violet Foxyのインスタグラム(violet_mfc) - 6月2日 01時51分

It's June ??? Who's excited?! I'm usually full of energy come June and am in full go-getter mode. These last few days though I've been catching up on sleep and tbh I'd like to keep sleeping in for a few more days (or more) ?? I keep catching myself thinking about sleep, movies, kicking back and having fun. Anyhow! Hopefully I shake off this sleepy dreamy funk and get focused so I can have a solid month ♥ Just wanted to have a little bit of a real post, sharing how I struggle to stay focused and find motivation sometimes. If I can't find the energy to get to work on my goals when I want, I will take a break and unwind, but there's always the fact that the longer you have a break for, the more work there is to do when you return. It's better to schedule in a break that you chose purposefully rather than to take one when you can't continue. For me, I feel badly about taking time off out of the blue but if it is planned I can enjoy it much more and feel more in control of my life. Still working on that balance though! ?? Happy June, let's crush it ?


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