Black Jaguar-White Tiger のインスタグラム(blackjaguarwhitetiger) - 5月30日 08時52分

My Michaelito. I Love this boy. As you can see, he is still with The Big Pride. I just have to separate him while I'm with them because he starts fighting them for my attention. If I'm not around, he is the same kisser that he always has been, but if I'm there, he wants me only for himself. 22 hours a day he is with them, 2, he is separated when I'm there. It's tough for me because I Love him, but it's better for him, and all this show is for them. To think that I used to protect him from a jealous baby Dolano pulling him from the tail when he was a baby. People ask me who's my favorite kid, and honestly, if I think of everything that we all have lived together, all of them are my favorite. I Love them all beyond comprehension. I really miss my boy...
#Michaelingui #TheBigPrideBJWT #SaveJaguars #blackjaguarwhitetiger #PapaBearChronicles @boycottcircus

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