ケアリー・ハートのインスタグラム(hartluck) - 5月27日 05時55分

@saarloosandsons is putting money where their mouth is. --Courage for $38 AND we are donating $10 of every bottle sold to veterans in need. - direct link in their Bio
And it is no secret that I love our country and our veterans. But I felt it was time for us to actually do something about it. So for the next two weeks we will be selling our 2014 courage for $38 and donating $10 of every bottle sold to @goodride with my friend @ケアリー・ハート
freedom isn't free is paid for with the blood of patriots, please help us do our part and giving back just a little of what they have given for us. I make these donations in the name of my great uncle John Saarloos Who gave his life in service over 70 years ago for my family.
His legacy lives on. ---
Take Full Advantage of me. Purchase as many as you would like. I hope I have to write a check for a million dollars.
________________________________________________________ #saarloosandsons #saarloosharvest #wine #losolivos #blessthishustle #cabernet


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