Fosters Family Stories Submission from Erika: I was never fostered it adopted. But like Callie, I was raped. I was scared to tell anyone. I never did for two years. I was like Callie, where I couldn't really hug or make out with a guy for too long because I'd get flashbacks. Or I would just get too scared to be in any kind of relationship. Whether it was just a friend or to be romantic. I was always watching my back, and that drained me. I couldn't enjoy myself ever. It affected a lot of my relationships after which totally sucked. Unfortunately, I was hospitalized a couple times because of how traumatic it was for me. So, I knew it was time to let it out in a healthier way. Keeping it a secret was doing more harm than good. So, I told my school psychologist and eventually gained the strength to tell my parents. It wasn't easy, but I had the love and support like Stef & Lena gave Callie. Although it's still painful to deal with at times it hasn't stopped me from succeeding and doing what makes me happy. I was able to go meet/see my favorite band with out being so scared of the crowds/people. I graduated high school, and am working on applying to colleges. I want to be a social worker. I want to give others the help/support I've had. I share my story hoping to help inspire others. To show that no matter how traumatic something is, that you're not alone. People do care and will support you through whatever it may be. I love watching The Fosters because not only does it show the trials people face and are facing...but how they chose to overcome it. It shows the journey of each character, and how not everything is easy... But by being honest, and through communication that no matter what someone will always be there. Someone will love you no matter the circumstances. I still struggle till this day, but love overcomes it all. I couldn't have been where I am today with out it. And seeing The Fosters show / teach that is such a blessing and I love it. Share YOUR Story here: Rules: Ends 9/21/17. US/18+

thefosterstvさん(@thefosterstv)が投稿した動画 -

フォスター家の事情のインスタグラム(thefosterstv) - 5月27日 05時21分

Fosters Family Stories Submission from Erika:

I was never fostered it adopted. But like Callie, I was raped. I was scared to tell anyone. I never did for two years. I was like Callie, where I couldn't really hug or make out with a guy for too long because I'd get flashbacks. Or I would just get too scared to be in any kind of relationship. Whether it was just a friend or to be romantic. I was always watching my back, and that drained me. I couldn't enjoy myself ever. It affected a lot of my relationships after which totally sucked. Unfortunately, I was hospitalized a couple times because of how traumatic it was for me. So, I knew it was time to let it out in a healthier way. Keeping it a secret was doing more harm than good. So, I told my school psychologist and eventually gained the strength to tell my parents. It wasn't easy, but I had the love and support like Stef & Lena gave Callie. Although it's still painful to deal with at times it hasn't stopped me from succeeding and doing what makes me happy. I was able to go meet/see my favorite band with out being so scared of the crowds/people. I graduated high school, and am working on applying to colleges. I want to be a social worker. I want to give others the help/support I've had. I share my story hoping to help inspire others. To show that no matter how traumatic something is, that you're not alone. People do care and will support you through whatever it may be. I love watching The Fosters because not only does it show the trials people face and are facing...but how they chose to overcome it. It shows the journey of each character, and how not everything is easy... But by being honest, and through communication that no matter what someone will always be there. Someone will love you no matter the circumstances. I still struggle till this day, but love overcomes it all. I couldn't have been where I am today with out it. And seeing The Fosters show / teach that is such a blessing and I love it.
Share YOUR Story here:
Rules: Ends 9/21/17. US/18+


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