This!!! The little love of my life. One of my greatest joys in my life. You little thing. Oh how daddy loves you. Soooooo much! I can't believe that little funny baby is 17. You're almost a woman yet still maintain your innocence of a child. You are SPECIAL! An ARTIST! An INTELLECT, a GENIUS, a diligent, humble hardworking feisty spirit that is born to thwart authority and false ideologies. A free spirit with the potential of great unconditional love and understanding. You have grown me in unimaginable ways. God blessed me with you people I call family. I'm a better me because of you. Please know that daddy is Always here for you!!! ALWAYS! I'd never turn my back to you. My heart is open and all wisdom I've gathered throughout my journey is all yours. I am so proud of the woman you are becoming. You can be any and all things you dream to be if you just do the work. Your soul is intact. All you have to do is do the work and the world is yours. You and that boy make me smile so much and I love you for two forevers times infinity plus two days. I just pray as life continues that we love as hard as we can til we can't no more. Without judgement without fear without any trepidation... just pure love. This man called daddy adores you. I believe in all you ever dream to be and if all else fails who gives a fuck... I got you. Family... let's make each mother greater every day. My baby I can't say it enough... I love you. Out of all the daughters in the world God chose you for me and I thank him every quiet moment I get for blessing me with you. Never change just continue to evolve... greatness is yours just do the work. Just know that your daddy adores you... eternally. Happy birthday my love always loving you. I am always that wind beneath your wings

marlonwayansさん(@marlonwayans)が投稿した動画 -

マーロン・ウェイアンズのインスタグラム(marlonwayans) - 5月24日 19時06分

This!!! The little love of my life. One of my greatest joys in my life. You little thing. Oh how daddy loves you. Soooooo much! I can't believe that little funny baby is 17. You're almost a woman yet still maintain your innocence of a child. You are SPECIAL! An ARTIST! An INTELLECT, a GENIUS, a diligent, humble hardworking feisty spirit that is born to thwart authority and false ideologies. A free spirit with the potential of great unconditional love and understanding. You have grown me in unimaginable ways. God blessed me with you people I call family. I'm a better me because of you. Please know that daddy is Always here for you!!! ALWAYS! I'd never turn my back to you. My heart is open and all wisdom I've gathered throughout my journey is all yours. I am so proud of the woman you are becoming. You can be any and all things you dream to be if you just do the work. Your soul is intact. All you have to do is do the work and the world is yours. You and that boy make me smile so much and I love you for two forevers times infinity plus two days. I just pray as life continues that we love as hard as we can til we can't no more. Without judgement without fear without any trepidation... just pure love. This man called daddy adores you. I believe in all you ever dream to be and if all else fails who gives a fuck... I got you. Family... let's make each mother greater every day. My baby I can't say it enough... I love you. Out of all the daughters in the world God chose you for me and I thank him every quiet moment I get for blessing me with you. Never change just continue to evolve... greatness is yours just do the work. Just know that your daddy adores you... eternally. Happy birthday my love always loving you. I am always that wind beneath your wings


>> 飲む日焼け止め!「UVシールド」を購入する




