ジャッキー・リーのインスタグラム(jacquieleemusic) - 5月24日 03時40分

There are many shitty, senseless actions in the world that happen every day that we won’t ever be able to reason with. It’s in times that are so dark & bleak, that searching for a brighter side is salient. Finding a way back to a place of hope, and and love. Feeling lost is okay. Feeling sad is okay. Feeling scared is okay. Feeling angry is ok. it’s all a part of a personal journey and process you need to go through in your own way. I understand sudden loss. I understand senseless shit happens in the worst ways to the best people.. and honestly the pain doesn’t just go away. I’ll be coping every day with what happened almost a year ago to my friend- But I like to believe there is a bigger picture we all can’t see yet that we will someday.. Just don’t stop searching for inner strength and peace. My heart is with you guys every day.


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