タリブ・クウェリのインスタグラム(talibkweli) - 5月24日 01時16分

Strolling in San Juan and I see this shirt. I've seen this type of shirt sold all my life all over the world. It's messaging is very misogynistic and anti women. But it's just a joke right? All in good fun, this type of casual harassment of women is normalized in our society because boys will be boys right? I get it. Nobody, including me, is outraged over this shirt. Because it's normalized. Women have learned how to deal with cruel and crude things said and done at their expense so it's all good right? Just a damn t shirt right? But let this t shirt say "men are trash." Watch the tears flow. Watch the feelings get hurt. Watch how many men make sexist responses to it in failed attempts to mask their pain. It seems to me that if you don't go online to cry about the vast amounts of t shirts that playfully diss women u shouldn't be upset at 1 that playfully disses men. Man up right? That's how they say it? Me, I don't take my moral cues from slogans on t shirts. I imagine most people don't. So guys, stop crying.


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